About our Farm

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about Clarabelle Lane Farm (CLF). We are a 120 acre farm straddling Williamson and Rutherford Counties in Eagleville, TN. We started CLF in 2018 to raise food for our family, friends and community. Raising animals that are happy and get to live out their natural purpose is extremely important to us. We are a birth to butcher farm. The majority of our land was abandoned for 10 years and unkept for many years before that. We spent most of 2018 and 2019 cleaning up scrub, pulling out broken fences, and managing overgrowth, but still have a long way to go!

Our Farmers

Our Farm is truly a family run operation, run by our family of 5 Lindens and  our Livestock Guardian Dogs that help keep our animals at home and the predators away. 

Jason, Farmer-in-Chief, grew up on a small family farm and lives out all his farm dreams in building CLF. He’s responsible for the farm vision, planning, logistics, and ensuring everyone has their assignments to continue a smooth farm operation.

Laurel, Head Wrangler, keeps everyone in line, where they are supposed to be, and makes sure we’re following through on all of the big and little things that need done around the farm. When not tending to farm work, she can be found in her craft room, teaching Jazzercise, or building the latest campaign to add goats to the payroll. Why goats? To clear the woods, duh!

Elli Jean, Head Baker/Assistant Wrangler, contributes to the running of the farm in many ways but most notably she often spends Thursday and Friday nights in the kitchen preparing her baked goods for the Eagleville Farmers Market. She keeps our bellies full of delicious treats and helps coordinate meals and chores when Mom needs an extra hand.  When not working in our farm kitchen, she is an excellent student and loves to sing and play her guitar to relax.

Jacie, Farm Hand Extraordinaire, does it all. She absolutely loves the outdoors and often begs to take on extra chores just to be outside. She builds fences, catches pigs, moves chicken tractors, and loves all things softball. She can be counted on to complete anything she is asked to do. When not doing chores, she can be found practicing softball, working out (both in the gym and via farm chores), or hiking to the beat of her own drum on the trails.

Rutledge, Chicken Man, primarily accepts responsibility for the chickens. Not many a morning or afternoon goes by that you don’t see him wandering the farmyard with a chicken in hand while he does his other chores. He’s also become quite adept in the kitchen, often volunteering to cook for us. His specialty is Rutledge Chicken. When not tending to the farm, he can be found reading a book, playing a video game, or taking on Jacie in an intense game of Four Square.