About our Farm Philosophy

We believe God’s creation is perfect and if we look close enough, work hard enough, and have the will to follow His plan, we can raise animals in a manner which is the way He intended and is therefore honorable to him. This means we put in extra time, effort, and investments to provide the most natural products we can. Our animals live on pasture or in the woods with exponentially more space than is granted to them in modern agriculture. We believe current “conventional” farming has been forced into practices that are inhumane, unhealthy, and unnatural.  In order for these mass produced livestock to survive long enough to slaughter, they are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones.  For example, many confinement raised pigs in their short 6 month life will receive 7.5 oz of a 17 antibiotic cocktail in an attempt to keep them healthy. This simply isn’t necessary. Creation shows us that animals UNconfined will find fresh grass/pasture/land every day and movement is what keeps our animals, and land, healthy.

Our goal is to never give our animals unnecessary antibiotics, and so far we’ve managed to do just that. We can do this through managing their continual rotation to fresh grass. They are never confined to one area for any time more than necessary. Our chickens rotate to fresh pasture every day, pigs every 7-14 days, and cows every day during the growing season.

Giving Back

Another foundational belief for our family is that nothing we make here on the farm is of our own doing. We will tell anyone who listens how blessed we are to have the opportunity to live on 120 acres and jobs and health that allow us to farm on the side. Because we know what we are raising is not our own, we are currently seeking opportunities to get our meats into the hands and bellies of those less fortunate in our local community. We are currently searching out opportunities to donate meat to food banks or homeless shelters. If you have any leads or ideas on how we could do this, we are 100% open to suggestions-so please reach out!!